Welcome to Operation Optimizers Consulting Firm

Your trusted partner in transforming your company's shift planning process.

About Our Services

We are experts in Shift Planning for all industrial settings, including manufacturing, warehousing and logistics. We equip any size operation with the tools, training and documentation needed to drive hours and waste out of any shift. We build leaders’ competency so that they can plan the optimal staffing model on a daily basis- the right number of people in the right place every time.


Understand staffing and headcount requirements in advance to mitigate risk.
Create the optimal staffing plan on a daily basis before the shift starts. Flow, Rates, Balance, and Hours Budgets.
Track progress in shift and make small adjustments to balance flow.
Recap shift performance, understand gaps, make adjustments and create action plans for the following shift.

Reach out to us for a free consultation!

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